Early Childhood Studies

Diploma Program

The Early Childhood Studies diploma is designed to educate early childhood professionals in curriculum development, implementation, and classroom management. The courses in this diploma meet the DELACARE coursework licensing requirements for the Early Childhood Curriculum Coordinator and Early Childhood Teacher.

This diploma can be the first step in completing an Early Childhood Associates degree.

Offered at the following campus(es): Dover, Georgetown, Wilmington

What You Can Do

In this program, you will gain the knowledge and skills to prepare you for positions such as:

  • Early Childhood Curriculum Coordinator
  • Early Childhood Teacher
  • Family Child Care Provider

What You Will Learn

Program Graduate Competencies

The Program Graduate Competencies listed below identify the major learning goals related to your specific program of study and identify the knowledge and skills you will have when you graduate to be successful in your chosen field.

  1. Implement developmentally appropriate practices based on theories, norms and milestones associated with development in early childhood.
  2. Employ communication skills necessary within the Early Childhood environment and network.
  3. Maintain a healthy, safe environment for children by following licensing requirements and legal issues affecting early childhood programs.
  4. Practice ethical and professional conduct required in the Early Childhood Education environment.
  5. Plan developmentally appropriate curriculum for quality infant/toddler, preschool and kindergarten programs.

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100First Year Seminar1
ECE 111Childhood Nutrition and Safety3
ECE 120Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood3
ECE 121Infant & Toddler Methods & Lab4
ENG 101Composition I3
EDC 125Child Development3

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
MAT 152Quantitative Reasoning3
ECE 123Early Childhood Methods I & Lab4
ECE 127Childhood Classroom Management3
ECE 125Early Childhood Methods II & Lab4
EDC 108Applied Concepts in Educational Technology3

To complete program requirements, you must pass the above courses and earn at least 34 credits. The number of courses and credits required for graduation may be more depending on college readiness and the elective courses offered in your program major (if electives are a part of the program).


Contact Dover

Beth Altemus
Department Chair
(302) 857-1743

Contact Georgetown

Bob Kime
Department Chair
(302) 259-6568

This program is offered at the Dover, Georgetown and Wilmington campuses.

Contact Wilmington

Samanta Lopez
Department Chair
(302) 830-5208